Sports Massage, Therapy and Sports Injury clinic Bracknell, Wokingham, Maidenhead and surrounding areas

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Sportshealer rehab/functional strength studio. The complete package of therapeutic treatments and exercise physio

Sportshealer Rehab/Functional fitness studio. Functional training equip wide

Taking you from pain, to pain free, to strong

Sportshealer has the unique luxury of a rehab studio on the ground floor, this allows me to further improve the health and wellbeing of my clients.
I can take a client from a 'pain to pain free' situation, then build in a rehab program of stretches and strength training to ensure that the client gets pain free and stays pain free.

The problem faced by chronic pain sufferers is that they have adjusted their posture and functionality to ease their long term pain issues.
This in turn then creates an imbalance within the muscular skeletal system and goes on to create even more pain and disfunction.

Once a client has been treated to the point where their pain is reduced, an exercise program is then created specifically for the individual to rebuild their muscular imbalances and truly become pain free reducing any resurgence of the original problem.

This is all created in the sportshealer physio studio on the ground floor from the upstairs treatment room.

By building a strong and stable core and working on weak muscle groups,I have helped my clients eradicate lower back pain, upper back pain and generally any issues that have been caused by a muscle imbalance/injury and weakness.

A simple and effective strategy is employed at sportshealer.....
1: Ascertain the reason/source of the pain
2: Develop an effective course of treatments
3: Reduce/eradicate painful issues
4: Supply/provide the client with a selection of stretches/exercises to help the client self manage and stay on top of the underlying issues.
5: Possible maintenance program of treatment to stop the pain returning.

No dragging on of continual weekly visits to the therapist,[unless your lifestyle/ employment/ sport dictates that you need it], I get you pain free, then make sure you stay pain free.

The situation is made clear to the client from the very first session, let's get you pain free, then slowly move out the sessions to two weeks/three weeks then if the situation calls for it, monthly maintaince treatments to keep you in top health.

My clients are exactly that, clients, NOT walking wallets and purses with continual weekly visits costing you the earth

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